Review: Perspectives Old and New on Paul: the ‘Lutheran’ Paul and his Critics
by Stephen Westerholm (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004) lge. pbk., xix & 448 pp. US$35. This Review by Rowland S. Ward appeared in The Confessional Presbyterian 1 (2005) Another contribution to Pauline studies from the associate professor of biblical studies at McMaster University is to be welcomed. In this case it is the revision and expansion of his Israel’s Law and the Church’s Faith, published in 1988. It has all the hallmarks of Westerholm’s work: wide-reading, clarity, humour and informed orthodoxy. It deserves a wide readership. As the quotation marks around ‘Lutheran’ in the book’s title suggest, Westerholm is not arguing that Paul was a LutheranRead More →