It helps to look at Matthew 24 Mark 13 and Luke 21 side by side. Luke writing for his Gentile friend Theophilus put Jewish language into a form understood by Gentiles.
(a) Prediction Mt 24:1-3; Mk 13:1-4; Lk 21:5-6
(b) Questions Mt 24:3; Mk 13:3-4; Lk 21:7
(c) General Warnings Characteristics of the Entire Future Mt 24:44-8; Mk 13:5-8; Lk 21:8-11
(d) Specific Counsel for the Disciples (Mt 24:9-14; Mk 13:9-13; Lk 21:12-19) [Note Lk 21:12 – “But before all this”) Persecution/opposition will come as a result of their preaching, Lk v.12.
(e) The Destruction of Jerusalem (Mt 24:15-22; Mk 13:14-20; Lk 21:20-24) [Note Luke 21:22 – “To fulfill all that is written”] Flee when armies surround Jerusalem to be instruments of God’s judgement: the end is not coincident with Jerusalem’s overthrow.
(f) Renewed warnings for “after those days” (Mt 24:23-28; Mk 13:24-27)
Christ’s return will not be on earth to be seen by a few but in the heavens to be seen by all.
(g) The return of Christ in glory (Mt 24:19-21; Mk 13:24-27; Lk 21:25-28)
Occurs immediately ‘after the tribulation of those days’ (Mt) ie the inter-advent period, and men are powerless before Christ’s glory.
(h) Signs of destruction of Jerusalem – act on them (Mt 24:32-34; Mk 13:28-30; Lk 21:29-32)
(i) No chronological signs and no date for Christ’s return (Mt 24:35-36; Mk 13:31-32
(j) The nature & importance of watching for Christ’s return (Mt 24:37-51; Mk 13:33-37; Lk 21:34-36)
To watch is not to know dates but to live in a godly way. Christ’s return comes in a time unexpected, in the midst of normality, and after what seems like delay.
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